
Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events

mercury80 are specialists in the creation, management, and operation of MICE tours and trips to the Southern Africa region.

In a Meeting, two or more people come together for the purpose of discussing a (usually) predetermined topic such as business or community event planning, often in a formal setting.

Incentive programs are designed to engage, motivate and reward results that support strategic goals and objectives. Recognition programs focus on aligning staff behaviors to organisational values.

A Conference is a meeting of people that confer about a topic.

The word Event can have several meanings in culture and social life:

  • Festival, for example a musical event
  • Product launch, to showcase a new product
  • Ceremony, for example a marriage
  • Competition, for example a sports competition
  • Party, for example a birthday party
  • Convention (meeting), for example a gaming convention

Whichever category of MICE trip you’re planning, we are able to meet your demands and expectations.

mercury80 assists you in rethinking your meeting, incentive, conference, and event needs. We facilitate finding unexpected locations and ways to help achieve business goals. We create solutions that lead to increased sales, motivated staff, capture innovative ideas across your organization, and lots more.


Did You Know?

South Africa’s Blyde River Canyon is the third largest canyon in the world

Come on over, the weather is fine!